| Biometric fingerprints of trees: log tracing from forest to sawmill and early estimation of wood quality (TreeTrace)
Project Description:
TreeTrace (FWF project I 3653) is an international project with three French and two Austrian partners. On the Austrian side, this is a
joint project with the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (School of Forest Products Technology), where we have the role of a national research partner.
The project considers two application cases for log cross-section imaging as follows: The first application case is the question
of tracing tree logs from the forest harvesting site to the sawmill by using biometrics related tree
log recognition techniques based on image processing of cross
- section data only. This approach of
course assumes the additional availability of
imaging sensors in the forest. Since there is a trend for
installing CT imaging devices at sawmills, which are of course not available in the forest, the
challenging issue of cross modality matching arises. The second application case is the determination
of wood quality from cross - section imagery, applicable already in the forest, and/or at the sawmill.
External Link
- [Wimmer24b
] Log cross section quality metrics: Assessing the usability of roundwood image data for roundwood tracking Georg Wimmer, Rudolf Schraml, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 221, pp. 108945, 2024
- [Wimmer22b
] Robustness of texture-based roundwood tracking Georg Wimmer, Rudolf Schraml, Heinz Hofbauer, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 81, pp. 669-683, 2023
- [Wimmer22c
] Roundwood Tracking from the Forest to the Sawmill using filter approaches to highlight the annual ring pattern Georg Wimmer, Rudolf Schraml, Alexander Petuschnigg, Andreas Uhl In 24th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2022)2022
- [Wimmer22a
] An analysis of the use of hyperspectral data for roundwood tracking Georg Wimmer, Rudolf Schraml, Heinz Hofbauer, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl In Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2022 Workshops, pp. 294–307, Malaga, Springer LNCS, 13379, July 4 - July 7, 2022
- [Schraml21b
] Physical Object Identification and Authentication Applications Rudolf Schraml PhD thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, AUSTRIA, March 2021
- [Wimmer21b
] Cross-Modality Wood Log Tracing Georg Wimmer, Rudolf Schraml, Lukas Lamminger, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2021), pp. 191-195, 2021
- [Wimmer21a
] Two-Stage CNN-Based Wood Log Recognition Georg Wimmer, Rudolf Schraml, Heinz Hofbauer, Alexander Petutschnigg, Andreas Uhl In Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2021, pp. 115-125, Cham, LNCS, 12955, Springer International Publishing, 2021
- [Decelle20a
] Neural Networks for Cross-Section Segmentation in Raw Images of Log Ends (Best Session Paper Award) Remi Decelle, Ehsaneddin Jalilian In Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Applications and Systems (IPAS 2020), pp. 1-6, Genova, Italy, December 9 - December 11, 2020
- [Schraml20a
] Matching Score Models for Hyperspectral Range Analysis to Improve Wood Log Traceability by Fingerprint Methods Rudolf Schraml, Karl Entacher, Alexander Petutschnigg, Timothy Young, Andreas Uhl Mathematics 8:7, pp. 10, 2020