| Physiological Markers for the Prognosis of Memory Decline (MemDecline)
Project Description:
MemDecline (FWF KLI project 00012) is a joint project with the Salzburg Christian Doppler Hospital
(Department of Neurology) and the Innsbruck University Hospital, where we have the role of a national research partner. The aim of the project is
to identify pysiological markers which allow to distinguish between generic memory decline (i.e. mild cognitive impairment MCI) and MCI associated with temporal lobe epilepsy. The
pysiological data considered are MRT scans and EEG data. Our particular contribution is MRT segmentation with emphasis on the hippocampus
and derivation of sensible features as well as the application of ensemble classification techniques.
- [Hofer20a
] An empirical assessment of appearance descriptors applied to MRI for automated diagnosis of TLE and MCI Christoph Hofer, Roland Kwitt, Yvonne Höller, Eugen Trinka, Andreas Uhl Computers in Biology and Medicine 117, pp. 103592, Elsevier, 2020
- [Liedlgruber19a
] Can SPHARM-Based Features from Automated or Manually Segmented Hippocampi Distinguish Between MCI and TLE? M. Liedlgruber, K. Butz, Y. Höller, G. Kuchukhidze, A. Taylor, O. Tomasi, E. Trinka, A. Uhl In Proceedings of 21st Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA'19), pp. 465-476, Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 11482, 2019
- [Liedlgruber18b
] Lateralisation Matters: Discrimination of TLE and MCI Based on SPHARM Description of Hippocampal Shape M. Liedlgruber, K. Butz, Y. Höller, G. Kuchukhidze, A. Taylor, O. Tomasi, E. Trinka, A. Uhl In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'18), pp. 129-134, June 2018
- [Liedlgruber18a
] Hippocampus Segmentation and SPHARM Coefficient Selection are Decisive for MCI Detection M. Liedgruber, K. Butz, Yvonne Höller, G. Kuchukhidze, A. Taylor, A. Thomschewski, O. Tomasi, E. Trinka, A. Uhl In Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018 (BVM'18), pp. 239-244, Springer Informatik Aktuell, March 2018
- [Liedlgruber17a
] Pathology-related Automated Hippocampus Segmentation Accuracy M. Liedgruber, K. Butz, Yvonne Höller, G. Kuchukhidze, A. Taylor, A. Thomschewski, O. Tomasi, E. Trinka, A. Uhl In Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017 (BVM'17), pp. 128-133, Springer Informatik Aktuell, March 2017
- [Hofer17b
] Constructing Shape Spaces from a Topological Perspective Christoph Hofer, Roland Kwitt, Marc Niethammer, Yvonne Höller, Andreas Uhl Eugen Trinka In IPMI2017
- [Hofer17c
] Deep Learning with Topological Signatures C. Hofer, R. Kwitt, M. Niethammer, A. Uhl In NIPS2017
- [Hofer17a
] Simple Domain Adaptation For Cross-Dataset Analyses of Brain MRI Data Christoph Hofer, Roland Kwitt, Yvonne Höller, Andreas Uhl Eugen Trinka In 14th International IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'17), pp. 5 pages, 2017
- [Liedlgruber16a
] Variability Issues in Automated Hippocampal Segmentation: A Study on Out-of-the-Box Software and Multi-rater Ground Truth M. Liedlgruber, K. Butz, Y. Höller, G. Kuchukhidze, A. Taylor, O. Tomasi, E. Trinka, A. Uhl In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS'16), pp. 191-196, June 2016
- [Gschwandtner16a
] Assessing Out-of-the-box Software for Automated Hippocampus Segmentation Michael Gschwandtner, Yvonne Höller, Michael Liedlgruber, Eugen Trinka, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2016 (BVM'16), pp. 212-217, Springer Informatik Aktuell, March 2016