| Adaptive Streaming of Secure Scalable Wavelet-based Video (ASSSV)
Project Description:
ASSSV (FWF project P19159) is a joint project with Hermann Hellwagner from the Information Technology Department (ITEC) at the
University of Klagenfurt. The Salzburg branch is working on video encryption and watermarking schemes which are aimed to be
suited for wavelet-based scalable video codecs and for H.264 SVC. The Klagenfurt branch is working on streaming protocols for
scalable video and corresponding adaptation strategies for varying network properties or user preferences. Obviously,
the overall aim is to result in methodologies to support "Adaptive Streaming of Secure Scalable Wavelet-based Video". Here is the project description @ Klagenfurt University.
Publications (Klagenfurt branch):
- [Kuschnig11
] Evaluation of HTTP-based Request-Response Streams for Internet Video Streaming R. Kuschnig, I. Kofler, H. Hellwagner In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Systems (ACM MMSYS 2011)Feb. 2011
- [Hellwagner11a
] Secure Transport and Adaptation of MC-EZBC Video Utilizing H.264-based Transport Protocols Hermann Hellwagner, Heinz Hofbauer, Robert Kuschnig, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl Elsevier Journal on Signal Processing: Image Communication 27:2, pp. 192-207, 2011
- [Kuschnig10b
] An Evaluation of TCP-based Rate-Control Algorithms for Adaptive Internet Streaming of H.264/SVC R. Kuschnig, I. Kofler, H. Hellwagner In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Systems (ACM MMSYS 2010)Feb. 2010
- [Kuschnig10a
] Improving Internet Video Streaming Performance by Parallel TCP-based Request-Response Streams R. Kuschnig, I. Kofler, H. Hellwagner In Proceedings of the 7th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC 2010)Jan. 2010
- [Kofler09a
] In-network Real-time Adaptation of Scalable Content ona WiFi Router I. Kofler, R. Kuschnig, H. Hellwagner In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Consumer Communicationsand Networking Conference (CCNC 2009)January 2009
- [Hellwagner09a
] Efficient In-Network Adaptation of Encrypted H.264/SVC Content Hermann Hellwagner, Robert Kuschnig, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl Elsevier Journal on Signal Processing: Image Communication 24:9, pp. 740-758, July 2009
- [Kofler09b
] Improving IPTV Services by H.264/SVC Adaptation and Traffic Control I. Kofler, R. Kuschnig, H. Hellwagner In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB 2009)May 2009
- [Kuschnig08a
] Design options and comparison of in-network H.264/SVC adaptation R. Kuschnig, I. Kofler, M. Ransburg, H. Hellwagner Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 19:8, pp. 529-542, Sep. 2008
- [Kofler08a
] An H.264/SVC-based adaptation proxy on a WiFi router I. Kofler, M. Prangl, R. Kuschnig, H. Hellwagner In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2008), pp. 63-68, Braunschweig, Germany, 2008
Publications (Salzburg branch):
- [Haemmerle12c
] Watermarking scalability for copyright protection in wireless and mobile environments Jutta Hämmerle-Uhl, Karl Raab, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC'12), pp. 791-796, Sep. 2012
- [Meerwald11e
] An efficient robust watermarking method integrated in H.264/SVC Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security VII 7110, pp. 1-14, Springer, 2012
- [Haemmerle11d
] Multiple blind re-watermarking with quantisation-based embedding Jutta Hämmerle-Uhl, Christian Koidl, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP '11, pp. 269-272, Brussels, Belgium, September 11 - 14, 2011
- [Stuetz11c
] Format-Specific Multimedia Encryption Thomas Stütz PhD thesis, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, March 2011
- [Kwitt10c
] Lightweight Detection of Additive Watermarking in the DWT-Domain R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, A. Uhl IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20:2, pp. 474-484, Feb. 2011
- [Hellwagner11a
] Secure Transport and Adaptation of MC-EZBC Video Utilizing H.264-based Transport Protocols Hermann Hellwagner, Heinz Hofbauer, Robert Kuschnig, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl Elsevier Journal on Signal Processing: Image Communication 27:2, pp. 192-207, 2011
- [Stuetz10f
] Best Wavelet Packet Bases in a JPEG2000 Rate-Distortion Sense Thomas Stütz, Bernhard Mühlbacher, Andreas Uhl Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of SalzburgSalzburg, Austria, Technical Report 2010-11, Dec. 2010
- [Engel10a
] Analysis of JPEG2000 Encryption with Key-Dependent Wavelet Packet Subband Structures Dominik Engel, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of SalzburgSalzburg, Austria, Technical Report 2010-09, Dec. 2010
- [Stuetz10e
] A Survey of H.264 Encryption Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of SalzburgSalzburg, Austria, Technical Report 2010-10, Dec. 2010
- [Meerwald10b
] Robust watermarking of H.264-encoded video: Extension to SVC Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IIH-MSP '10, pp. 82-85, Darmstadt, Germany, October 15 - 17, 2010
- [Meerwald10e
] Robust watermarking of H.264/SVC-encoded video: quality and resolution scalability Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In H.-J. Kim, Y. Shi, M. Barni, editors, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, IWDW '10, pp. 159-169, Seoul, Korea, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6526, Springer, October 1 - 3, 2010
- [Meerwald10c
] Watermark Detection on Quantized Transform Coefficients using Product Bernoulli Distributions Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, MM&Sec '10, pp. 175-180, Rome, Italy, September 9 - 10, 2010
- [Stuetz10d
] Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Transparently Encrypted JPEG2000 Images Thomas Stütz, Vinod Pankajakshan, Florent Autrusseau, Andreas Uhl, Heinz Hofbauer In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop (MMSEC '10), pp. 247-252, Rome, Italy, ACM, September 9 - 10, 2010
- [Hofbauer10b
] Selective Encryption of the MC-EZBC Bitstream and Residual Information Heinz Hofbauer, Andreas Uhl In 18th European Signal Processing Conference, 2010 (EUSIPCO-2010), pp. 2101-2105, Aalborg, Denmark, August 23 - 27, 2009, 2010
- [Stuetz10c
] (In)secure Multimedia Transmission over RTP Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 18th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO '10Aarlborg, Danmark, EURASIP, August 23 - 27, 2010
- [Huber10a
] Watermarking of 2D Vector Graphics with Distortion Constraint S. Huber, R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, M. Held, A. Uhl In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME '10), pp. 480-485, Singapore, July 19 - 23, 2010
- [Hofbauer10a
] Visual Quality Indices and Low Quality Images Heinz Hofbauer, Andreas Uhl In IEEE 2nd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, pp. 171-176, Paris, France, July 5-7,2010
- [Meerwald10d
] Digital Watermarking in Visual Multimedia Content Peter Meerwald PhD thesis, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, June 2010
- [Meerwald10a
] Watermark detection for video bookmarking using mobile phone camera Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In B. De Decker, I. Schaumüller-Bichl, editors, Proceedings of the 11th Joint IFIP TC6 and TC11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS '10, pp. 64-74, Linz, Austria, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6109, Springer, May 31 - June 2, 2010
- [Stuetz10a
] Efficient Format-Compliant Encryption of Regular Languages: Block-Based Cycle-Walking Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl In B. De Decker, I. Schaumüller-Bichl, editors, Proceedings of the 11th Joint IFIP TC6 and TC11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS '10, pp. 81-92, Linz, Austria, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 6109, Springer, May 31 - June 2, 2010
- [Kwitt10a
] Lightweight Detection of Additive Watermarking in the DWT--Domain R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, A. Uhl Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of SalzburgSalzburg, Austria, Technical Report 2010-04, May 2010, Available at http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/tr.
- [Kwitt09d
] Blind Detection of Additive Spread-Spectrum Watermarking in the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Domain R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, A. Uhl International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics 2:2, pp. 34-46, IGI Global, April 2010
- [Meerwald09e
] Watermarking of raw digital images in camera firmware and detection Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications 2, pp. 16-24, IPSJ, March 2010
- [Kwitt09e
] Color-Image Watermarking using Multivariate Power-Exponential Distribution R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, A. Uhl In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP '09), pp. 4245-4248, Cairo, Egypt, November 7 - 11, 2009
- [Hofbauer09b
] The Cost of In-Network Adaption of the MC-EZBC for Universal Multimedia Access Heinz Hofbauer, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA '09)Salzburg, Austria, September 16 - 18, 2009
- [Meerwald09c
] Targeted Attacks on Quantization-based Watermarking Schemes Peter Meerwald, Christian Koidl, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, ISPA '09, pp. 465-470, Salzburg, Austria, September 16 - 18, 2009
- [Meerwald09d
] Additive spread-spectrum watermark detection in demosaicked images Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, MMSEC '09, pp. 25-32, Princeton, NJ, USA, ACM, September 7 - 8, 2009
- [Hofbauer09a
] Selective Encryption of the MC EZBC Bitstream for DRM Scenarios Heinz Hofbauer, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security, pp. 161-170, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, ACM, September 7 - 8, 2008, 2009
- [Meerwald09b
] Attack on 'Watermarking Method Based on Significant Difference of Wavelet Coefficient Quantization' Peter Meerwald, Christian Koidl, Andreas Uhl IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 11:5, pp. 1037-1041, IEEE, Aug. 2009
- [Kwitt09b
] Efficient Detection of Additive Watermarking in the DWT-Domain R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, A. Uhl In Proceedings of the 17th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO '09), pp. 2072-2076, Glasgow, UK, August 24 - 28, 2009
- [Hellwagner09a
] Efficient In-Network Adaptation of Encrypted H.264/SVC Content Hermann Hellwagner, Robert Kuschnig, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl Elsevier Journal on Signal Processing: Image Communication 24:9, pp. 740-758, July 2009
- [Kwitt09a
] Blind DT-CWT Domain Additive Spread-Spectrum Watermark Detection R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, A. Uhl In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP '09)Santorini, Greece, July 5 - 7, 2009
- [Stuetz09a
] On JPEG2000 Error Concealment Attacks Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl In Advantages in Image and Video Technology: Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, PSIVT '09, pp. 851-861, Tokyo, Japan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, January 13 - 16, 2009
- [Meerwald09a
] Watermarking of raw digital images in camera firmware: embedding and detection Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In Advances in Image and Video Technology: Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, PSIVT '09, pp. 340-348, Tokyo, Japan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5414, Springer, January 13 - 16, 2009
- [Engel09a
] A survey on JPEG2000 encryption Dominik Engel, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl Multimedia Systems 15:4, pp. 243-270, Springer-Verlag, 2009
- [Autrusseau09a
] DT-CWT versus DWT watermark embedding Florent Autrusseau, Peter Meerwald 2009, Subjective quality assessment experiment; available at http://www.irccyn.ec-nantes.fr/~autrusse/Databases/MeerwaldDB/.
- [Stuetz08a
] Format-Compliant Encryption of H.264/AVC and SVC Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM'08), pp. 446-451, Berkeley, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society, Dec. 2008
- [Meerwald08c
] Scalability evaluation of blind spread-spectrum image watermarking Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, IWDW '08, pp. 61-75, Busan, South Korea, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5450, Springer, November 10 - 12, 2008
- [Kwitt08e
] A Lightweight Rao-Cauchy Detector for Additive Watermarking in the DWT-Domain R. Kwitt, P. Meerwald, A. Uhl In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop (MMSEC '08), pp. 33-41, Oxford, UK, September 22 - 23, 2008
- [Haemmerle08c
] Multiple Re-Watermarking using Varying non-stationary MRA with parametrized wavelet filters Jutta Hämmerle-Uhl, Andreas Uhl, Hartmut Wernisch In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, MMSEC '08, pp. 63-68, Oxford, UK, ACM, September 22 - 23, 2008
- [Haemmerle08a
] Multiple Re-Watermarking using varying wavelet packets Jutta Hämmerle-Uhl, Michael Liedlgruber, Andreas Uhl, Hartmut Wernisch In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Conference on Multimedia & Expo, ICME '08, pp. 213-216, Hannover, Germany, June 23 - 26, 2008
- [Meerwald08b
] Blind motion-compensated video watermarking Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Conference on Multimedia & Expo, ICME '08, pp. 357-360, Hannover, Germany, June 23 - 26, 2008
- [Gschwandtner08a
] Toward DRM for 3D geometry data Michael Gschwandtner, Andreas Uhl In Edward J. Delp III, Ping Wah Wong, Jana Dittmann, Nasir D. Memon, editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Security, Forensics, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents X, pp. 68190V ff., San Jose, CA, USA, 6819, SPIE, January 27 - 31, 2008
- [Meerwald08a
] Toward robust watermarking of scalable video Peter Meerwald, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of SPIE, Security, Forensics, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents X, pp. 68190J ff., San Jose, CA, USA, 6819, January 27 - 31, 2008
- [Engel07f
] Efficient Transparent JPEG2000 Encryption With Format-Compliant Header Protection Dominik Engel, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, ICSPC '07, pp. 1067-1070, Dubai, UAE, IEEE, Nov. 2007
- [Eder07a
] JPEG2000-based Scalable Video Coding with MCTF Peter Eder, Dominik Engel, Andreas Uhl Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austria, Technical Report 2007-04, Oct. 2007
- [Engel07d
] An Attack Against Image-based Selective Bitplane Encryption Dominik Engel, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP '07, pp. 141-144, San Antonio, TX, USA, II, IEEE, Sep. 2007
- [Engel07e
] Format-Compliant JPEG2000 Encryption With Combined Packet Header and Packet Body Protection Dominik Engel, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, MM-SEC '07, pp. 87-95, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, Sep. 2007
- [Stuetz07b
] On Efficient Transparent JPEG2000 Encryption Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, MM-SEC '07, pp. 97-108, New York, NY, USA, ACM, Sep. 2007
- [Engel07b
] Format-compliant JPEG2000 Encryption in JPSEC: Security, Applicability and the Impact of Compression Parameters Dominik Engel, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2007:Article ID 94565, pp. 20 pages, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2007