| Biometric Capture Tool for Mobile Police Operations (BIOCAPTURE)
Project Description:
BIOCAPTURE (FFG KIRAS project) is a project on mobile biometric capturing and on-line identification using
smartphones operated by Austrian police officers. The police, equipped with ~ 30,000 iPhones, should be provided with a novel tool for personal identification. The new smartphone-based software tools, incorporated into the police workflow, should allow to add biometric facial and fingerprint features from identifiable individuals without additional hardware and to the internal police query platform. The innovative innovations include: hygienic, contactless fingerprint and facial image recording, automatic quality analysis and best-shot selection of images from a live image, ICAO-compliant data format adjustments, secure transmission, initiation of search, presentation of results and involvement in the police workflow. The data retention of the test data is strictly subject to the GDPR. Before the start of development, an assessment of scenarios / use cases and an implementation into a requirements document with criteria takes place. The project is aiming for a real live test in operational use after the end of the project.
This project is led by Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and conducted in
cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Interior, secunet Security Networks, T3K-Forensics, Agentur für Europäische Integration und wirtschftliche Entwicklung and Swiss Customs.
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] Improving Sensor Interoperability between Contactless and Contact-Based Fingerprints Using Pose Correction and Unwarping L. Ruzicka, D. Söllinger, B. Kohn, C. Heitzinger, A. Uhl, B. Strobl IET Biometrics 2023, pp. ID 7519499, 2023
- [Soellinger22a
] Can point-cloud based neural networks learn fingerprint variability? Dominik Söllinger, Robert Jöchl, Simon Kirchgasser, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the IEEE 21th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2022), pp. 1-8, Darmstadt, Germany, September 14 - September 16, 2022
- [Kauba21a
] Towards Using Police Officers' Business Smartphones for Contactless Fingerprint Acquisition and Enabling Fingerprint Comparison against Contact-Based Datasets Christof Kauba, Dominik Söllinger, Simon Kirchgasser, Axel Weissenfeld, Gustavo Fernández Domínguez, Bernhard Strobl, Andreas Uhl Sensors (Special Issue Biometric Sensing) 21:7, pp. 1-42, 2021
- [Soellinger21a
] Optimizing contactless to contact-based fingerprint comparison using simple parametric warping models Dominik Söllinger, Andreas Uhl In 2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), pp. 1-7, :, 2021