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Firstname: | | Peter |
Lastname: | | Wild |
Born: | | 1982 |
Room No: | | CoWi 0.25 |
Telephone: | | 0043-662-8044-6310 |
Mail: | | pwild@cosy.sbg.ac.at |
Homepage: | | peterwild.net |
Peter Wild
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About Me:
I am a PhD student in the Multimedia Signal Processing and Security Lab working on Biometrics with a focus on iris recognition in surveillance scenarios. Please, check my website peterwild.net for further information.
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Research Interests:
- Computer vision: object detection, segmentation, robotic vision systems;
- Pattern recognition: biometrics (iris, face, fingerprint, footprint, palmprint), multibiometric fusion;
- Media security: image encryption, biometric template protection.
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- [Rathgeb12e
] Iris Recognition: From Segmentation to Template Security Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild Advances in Information Security, Springer Verlag, 2013
Journal Articles
- [Wild16a
] Quality-based Iris Segmentation-level Fusion Peter Wild, Heinz Hofbauer, James Ferryman, Andreas Uhl EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2016:25, 2016
- [Wild15b
] Impact of (segmentation) quality on long vs. short-timespan assessments in iris recognition performance Peter Wild, James Ferryman, Andreas Uhl IET Biometrics 4:4, pp. 227-235, IET, 2015
- [Uhl09b
] Single-sensor multi-instance fingerprint and eigenfinger recognition using (weighted) score combination methods Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild International Journal on Biometrics (Special Issue on Multimodal Biometric and Biometric Fusion) 1:4, pp. 442-462, 2009
- [Uhl08a
] Footprint-based biometric verification Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild Journal of Electronic Imaging 17, pp. 011016, doi:10.1117/1.2892674, 2008
- [Gschwandtner07a
] Transmission error and compression robustness of 2D Chaotic Map image encryption schemes Michael Gschwandtner, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2007:Article ID 48179, pp. doi:10.1155/2007/48179, 16 pages, 2007
Book Chapters
- [Rathgeb16a
] Design Decisions for an Iris Recognition SDK Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild, Heinz Hofbauer In Kevin Bowyer, Mark J. Burge, editors, Handbook of Iris Recognition, Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Springer, 2016
- [Wild17a
] Robust Iris Image Segmentation Peter Wild, Heinz Hofbauer, James Ferryman, Andreas Uhl In Christian Rathgeb, Christoph Busch, editors, Iris and Periocular Biometrics, pp. 57-83, London, UK, IET, 2016
- [Uhl13a
] Ageing Effects In Fingerprint Biometrics Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Michael Fairhurst, editor, Age Factors in Biometric Processing, pp. 153-170, London, UK, IET, 2013
Conference Papers
- [Wild15a
] Segmentation-level Fusion for Iris Recognition Peter Wild, Heinz Hofbauer, James Ferryman, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG'15), pp. 12, Darmstadt, Germany, September 9 - 11, 2015
- [Rathgeb14a
] Effects of Severe Image Compression on Iris Segmentation Performance (Best Poster Award) C. Rathgeb, A. Uhl, P. Wild In Proceedings of the IAPR/IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB'14)2014
- [Hofbauer14b
] A Ground Truth for Iris Segmentation Heinz Hofbauer, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Peter Wild, Josef Bigun, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'14), pp. 6pp., Stockholm, Sweden, August 24 - 28, 2014
- [Uhl13b
] Experimental Evidence of Ageing in Hand Biometrics Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG'13)Darmstadt, Germany, September 4 - 6, 2013
- [Rathgeb13c
] Iris-Biometric Fuzzy Commitment Schemes under Image Compression C. Rathgeb, A. Uhl, P. Wild In Proceedings of the 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP'13), pp. 374-381, Havana, Cuba, Springer LNCS, 8259, November 20-23, 2013
- [Uhl13c
] Fusion of Iris Segmentation Results A. Uhl, P. Wild In Proceedings of the 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP'13), pp. 310-317, Havana, Cuba, Springer LNCS, 8259, November 20-23, 2013
- [Hofbauer12b
] Image Metric-based Biometric Comparators: A Supplement to Feature Vector-based Hamming Distance? Heinz Hofbauer, Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG'12), pp. 1-5, Darmstadt, Germany, September 6 - 7, 2012
- [Hofbauer12a
] Iris Recognition in Image Domain: Quality-metric based Comparators Heinz Hofbauer, Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC'12), pp. 1-10, Crete, Greece, July 16 - 18, 2012
- [Uhl12a
] Weighted Adaptive Hough and Ellipsopolar Transforms for Real-time Iris Segmentation Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the 5th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB'12), pp. 1-8, New Delhi, India, March 29 - April 1, 2012
- [Rathgeb12a
] Iris-Biometric Comparators: Exploiting Comparison Scores towards an Optimal Alignment under Gaussian Assumption Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the 5th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB'12), pp. 1-6, New Delhi, India, March 29 - April 1, 2012
- [Uhl12b
] Combining Face with Face-part Detectors under Gaussian Assumption Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR'12), pp. 80-89, Aveiro, Portugal, LNCS, June 25 - 27, 2012
- [Uhl12c
] Multi-stage Visible Wavelength and Near Infrared Iris Segmentation Framework Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR'12), pp. 1-10, Aveiro, Portugal, LNCS, June 25 - 27, 2012
- [Rathgeb11h
] Iris-Biometric Comparators: Minimizing Trade-Offs Costs between Computational Performance and Recognition Accuracy Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention, ICDP '11, pp. 1-6, London, UK, November 3 - 4, 2011
- [Rathgeb11f
] Reliability-balanced Feature Level Fusion for Fuzzy Commitment Scheme (Best Poster Paper Award) Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB'11), pp. 1-7, Washington DC, DC, USA, October 10 - 13, 2011
- [Rathgeb11a
] Shifting Score Fusion: On Exploiting Shifting Variation in Iris Recognition Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'11), pp. 1-5, TaiChung, Taiwan, March 21 - 24, 2011
- [Rathgeb11b
] On Combining Selective Best Bits of Iris-Codes Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In C. Vielhauer, J. Dittmann, A. Drygajlo, M. Fairhust, editors, Proceedings of the Biometrics and ID Management Workshop (BioID'11), pp. 227-237, Brandenburg on the Havel, Germany, Springer LNCS, 6583, March 8 - 10, 2011
- [Uhl10b
] Enhancing Iris Matching Using Levenshtein Distance with Alignment Constraints Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In G. Bebis, R. Boyle, B. Parvin, D. Koracin, R. Chung, R. Hammoud, editors, Advances in Visual Computing: 6th International Symposium, (ISVC 2010), pp. 469-479, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, LNCS, 6453, Springer Verlag, November 29 - December 1, 2010
- [Rathgeb10h
] Incremental Iris Recognition: A Single-algorithm Serial Fusion Strategy to Optimize Time Complexity Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Application, and Systems 2010 (IEEE BTAS'10), pp. 1-6, Washington DC, DC, USA, IEEE Press, September 27 - 29, 2010
- [Konrad10a
] Computationally efficient serial combination of rotation-invariant and rotation compensating iris recognition algorithms Mario Konrad, Herbert Stögner, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In P. Richard, J. Braz, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, VISAPP'10, pp. 85-90, Angers, France, 1, May 17 - 21, 2010
- [Uhl09c
] Comparing Verification Performance of Kids and Adults for Fingerprint, Palmprint, Hand-geometry and Digitprint Biometrics Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Application, and Systems 2009 (IEEE BTAS'09), pp. 1-6, IEEE Press, Oct. 2009
- [Uhl09a
] Parallel Versus Serial Classifier Combination for Multibiometric Hand-based Identification Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In M. Tistarelli, M.S. Nixon, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biometrics 2009 (ICB'09), pp. 950-959, LNCS, 5558, Springer Verlag, 2009
- [Uhl08b
] Personal Recognition using single-sensor multimodal hand biometrics Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In A. Elmoataz, O. Lezoray, F. Nouboud, D. Mammass, editors, Image and Signal Processing. Proceedings of ICISP 2008, pp. 396-404, LNCS, 5099, Springer Verlag, 2008
- [Uhl07a
] Personal identification using Eigenfeet, Ballprint and Foot geometry biometrics Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Application, and Systems 2007 (IEEE BTAS'07), pp. 1-6, IEEE Press, Oct. 2007
- [Gschwandtner06a
] Compression of encrypted Visual Data Michael Gschwandtner, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild In H. Leitold, E. Markatos, editors, Communications and Multimedia Security, Proceedings of the 10th IFIP International CMS 2006 Conference, pp. 141-150, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 4237, Springer Verlag, Oct. 2006
Technical Reports
- [Rathgeb12f
] Evaluating the Impact of Iris Image Compression on Segmentation and Recognition Accuracy Christian Rathgeb, Andreas Uhl, Peter Wild Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of SalzburgSalzburg, Austria, Technical Report 2012-05, July 2012, Available at http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/tr.
- [Wild08a
] Single-sensor hand and footprint-based multimodal biometric recognition Peter Wild Master thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austria, Jan. 2008
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