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Firstname: | | Andreas |
Lastname: | | Unterweger |
Born: | | July 31, 1986 |
Room No: | | 0.27 (until February 27, 2015) |
Telephone: | | (+43) 662 8044 - 6334 (until February 27, 2015) |
Mail: | | aunterweg@cosy.sbg.ac.at |
Homepage: | | http://www.dustsigns.de |
Andreas Unterweger
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About Me:
Andreas Unterweger was a Ph.D. student working on selective video encryption under the supervision of Prof. Uhl from January 2012 to February 2015. He is now a lecturer at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
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Research Interests:
- Real-time video coding (especially H.264- and H.265-based video coding)
- Selective video encryption
- Image quality perception of the Human Visual System (HVS)
- Video compression artifact assessment
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Edited Proceedings
- [Katzenbeisser14a
] Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security Stefan Katzenbeisser, Roland Kwitt, Alessandro Piva, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Unterweger ACM New York, NY, USA, 2014
Journal Articles
- [Unterweger15a
] Building a Post-Compression Region-of-Interest Encryption Framework for Existing Video Surveillance Systems -- Challenges, obstacles and practical concerns Andreas Unterweger, Kevin Van Ryckegem, Dominik Engel, Andreas Uhl Multimedia Systems 22:5, pp. 617-639, Springer, 2015
- [Unterweger14b
] Slice groups for post-compression region of interest encryption in H.264/AVC and its scalable extension Andreas Unterweger, Andreas Uhl Signal Processing: Image Communication 29:10, pp. 1158-1170, Elsevier, November 2014
- [DeCock14a
] An Industry-Level Blu-ray Watermarking Framework Jan De Cock, Heinz Hofbauer, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Unterweger Multimedia Tools and Applications 74:18, pp. 8079–8101, Springer US, 2014
- [Auer13a
] Bitstream-Based JPEG Encryption in Real-time Stefan Auer, Alexander Bliem, Dominik Engel, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Unterweger International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics 5:3, pp. 1-14, 2013
Book Chapters
- [Unterweger13a
] Compression Artifacts in Modern Video Coding and State-of-the-Art Means of Compensation Andreas Unterweger In Reuben A. Farrugia, Carl J. Debono, editors, Multimedia Networking and Coding, pp. 28-49, Hershey, IGI Global, 2013
Conference Papers
- [Unterweger16a
] Bit-Stream-Based Scrambling for Regions of Interest in H.264/AVC Videos With Drift Reduction Andreas Unterweger, Jan De Cock, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA'16), pp. paper P17, 6 pages, 2016
- [Unterweger15b
] Bit-Stream-Based Encryption for Regions of Interest in H.264/AVC Videos With Drift Minimization Andreas Unterweger, Jan De Cock, Andreas Uhl In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)IEEE, 2015, submitted
- [Hofbauer15a
] Encrypting Only AC Coefficient Signs considered Harmful Heinz Hofbauer, Andreas Unterweger, Andreas Uhl In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'15)2015
- [Hofbauer14a
] Transparent Encryption for HEVC Using Bit-Stream-Based Selective Coefficient Sign Encryption Heinz Hofbauer, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Unterweger In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 1986-1990, Florence, Italy, IEEE, May 2014
- [Unterweger14a
] Slice Groups for Post-Compression Region of Interest Encryption in SVC Andreas Unterweger, Andreas Uhl In IH&MMSec'14: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Information Hiding and Multimedia Security Workshop, pp. 15-22, Salzburg, Austria, ACM, June 2014
- [Gschwandtner14a
] Speeding Up Object Detection -- Fast Resizing in the Integral Image Domain Michael Gschwandtner, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Unterweger In VISAPP 2014 -- Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pp. 64-72, Lisbon, Portugal, 1, SciTePress, January 2014
- [Engel13a
] Region of Interest Signalling for Encrypted JPEG Images Dominik Engel, Andreas Uhl, Andreas Unterweger In IH&MMSec'13: Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, pp. 165-174, ACM, June 2013
- [Unterweger12a
] Length-preserving Bit-stream-based JPEG Encryption Andreas Unterweger, Andreas Uhl In MM&Sec'12: Proceedings of the 14th ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop, pp. 85-89, ACM, Sep. 2012
Technical Reports
- [Unterweger13b
] Slice Groups for Post-Compression Region of Interest Encryption in SVC Andreas Unterweger, Andreas Uhl Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austriahttp://uni-salzburg.at/index.php?id=38591, Technical Report 2013-07, Dec. 2013
- [Unterweger14c
] Post-Compression Multimedia Security Andreas Unterweger PhD thesis, University of Salzburg, Austria, Nov. 2014
A complete list of publications can be found here
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